Friday, September 30, 2011

Seven Quick Takes vol. 8

These Fridays seem to come quickly...head over to Conversion Diary for Jen's Quick Takes!


I'm a big PD James fan, she's really a terrific writer carrying on the same great style and quality of the Queens of Crime mystery writers, i.e. Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. I just read yesterday that James' next release coming out this winter is a mystery novel set in Pemberley! Yes, as in the Pemberley of Pride and Prejudice! Not too many details which means I'm dying of curiosity and can't wait to read it. 

Here's the nice BBC article about it. And isn't it inspiring that she's still writing at 91?


So the iPad is fab. (I know, I should write Apple's ads.)
I haven't become completely addicted to it yet. But it makes marital arguments such as "there's no way that guy is the same guy from Parks and Recreation!" conveniently solvable from the comfort of your own couch. 
Also; the New York Times Crossword Puzzle app is my dream come true.


Yesterday being the feast of the Archangels I came upon some link to Sir Edward Burne-Jones and his beautiful work with angels. A quick search reveals that he was a big fan of angels it seems, I can't believe his work is done in watercolours, I think I need a trip to London to see some in real life! 


I'm going to state here and now that most of the baby weight being gained as we speak comes from pumpkin buns. These buns are so good and taste so perfectly fall-ish that I can't stop eating them. The bakery in town makes them only around this time of year and they're like a big fat cinnamon bun except made with pumpkin pie deliciousness and covered in cream cheese icing. I could eat a whole slab by myself. They almost satisfy my craving for a  Pumpkin Spice Latte everyday. I can't believe Starbucks hates me enough to refuse to mass produce the pumpkin spice syrup so that I cannot make them at home with my new espresso machine. I have yet to try homemade recipes like this one, but I think I'm going to have to soon! My situation is dire!


I haven't been kids clothes shopping in about a month because I haven't been to the city in that amount of time. (Whoa! Sad!) And in that amount of time each kid has outgrown all footwear that they have. I'm usually on top of the constant growing sitch, if only because I like having a reason to shop, but this shoe crisis is getting out of control. I'm hoping to do something about it this weekend, fingers crossed.

Too bad we don't have Target in Canada, because Gemma would be wearing these by now!


I'm in love with this baby blanket! I love how its ombre and chevron and chunky and soft! However, its knitted and I don't knit. I crochet. And I don't really wanna re-learn to knit right now, I've got a limited amount of time to make a blanket for this gestating baby so I'm going to try and MacGyver something up so that I can crochet. And possibly do it in purples and greys. 


The weekend plans are going to be a nice combo of trying to finish things up with our deck, playing outside with the kids if its nice tomorrow, and then the husband and I are going out to a pro-life dinner that wonderfully includes dressing up! And the babes are staying the night with my parents so it sounds like a great time doesn't it? 

Have a great fall weekend!


  1. Pumpkin buns sound AMAZING. Have you ever tried making them? I may have to start recipe hunting.....
    Isn't it crazy how fast they grow? Just when I think I have everything they need for the next while....they grow. haha.
    Have a blast this weekend!

  2. Okay well I could comment on every point here but to save you a hearty paragraph I will narrow it down to the essentials...
    1) Recipe for pumpkin buns please?
    2) I went to Target over the weekend and those shoes were no where to be found:(
    3) You have reminded me I need to start an Agatha Christi novel ASAP!


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