Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall-its here and all the leaves are almost all gone!

It's officially fall! I love all the fall colours and the warmth and cozyness changing seasons bring!

Our September has been insanely beautiful, as in almost warmer than our August and waaay warmer than our July this year, so I haven't done too many fall things yet. But all the leaves were perfect this weekend and I even got to go for a walk in miles of yellow forest....wait for it....BY MYSELF. It was a pretty big deal! The trees were perfect and that smell of the leaves changing was everywhere. It was a great afternoon of a little much needed solitude. 

But forsooth! Yesterday and today the wind is blowing strongly so the poor leaves are blowing away already! Alberta Falls really do only last 2 days! And then once the leaves are gone everything is bare and brown until the middle of November when it snows enough to cover everything is pure white. Its the bare/brown part of the year I have trouble dealing with.

I've tried to get some fall pics of the kids, but I swear they're getting worse for pictures not better! Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? 

Have a great Fall Monday!

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