Thursday, August 18, 2011

World Youth Day in Madrid

World Youth Day has begun in Madrid, and today Pope Benedict XVI landed in Spain. I have great memories from my two experiences with World Youth Day, in Rome in 2000 and Toronto in 2002. Its an indescribable experience of pilgrimage, Church unity, and real encounters with Christ.

Pope Benedict has said this morning after departing from the plane, “With all my heart, I say again to you young people: let nothing and no one take away your peace; do not be ashamed of the Lord", his words are already so encouraging! Pope Benedict is also going to be hearing confessions at this World Youth Day! The first pope to do so, and how crazy would that be?? I can't imagine lining up for hours at the little confessionals and then to find out I was going to confession to the Pope!

Anyway, I'm going to try and watch some of the Pope's arrival today on EWTN and wish I was there. 


  1. Christy, I wish I was there too!! With all my heart! My sister is there so I sent with her all my passion and prayers. We are so lucky to be a part of such a rich faith. Missing cable right about now!

  2. P.s. ...and when I say "rich" I mean full of life! :)


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