Friday, March 18, 2011

Evelyn Waugh


I was just reading this strange little biography/criticism of Evelyn Waugh. I love Evelyn Waugh; he's witty, sarcastic, sophisticated, poignant and an always elegant writer. This book doesn't go into much depth about his conversion to the Catholic Church but remarked that he converted without much emotional enthusiasm. He continued to publicly speak about the Faith and write about it. I also didn't realize that at the time Brideshead Revisited was published the critics hated it and deemed it sentimental and overly religious. They of course told Waugh to stick to satire and not explore religious topics like his biography St. Edmund Campion.  Its funny how even then people were so blinded by prejudice towards religion as  to not appreciate the beautiful writing which Waugh produced. Brideshead is one of my favourite books so I'm a little biased to how critics could outrightly dismiss it. Poetic justice is that Brideshead is Waugh's most famous book today.

1 comment:

  1. bleh. Simon just fell asleep but he would love this post!

    his favorite author ... people always ask if we named the kids after Brideshead characters --- just a happy coincidence I guess.


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