Friday, April 7, 2017

Seven Quick Takes vol. 158

Joining Kelly for a couple quick ones...


The snow has melted, guys! I figure you deserve to be informed after all my complaining. It's now a quite unimpressive brown everywhere and will be at least a month until we see leaves on trees, but the mud and dirt are worth it. It will probably snow at least one more time, but having all the existing snow gone feels like a giant improvement. And you should see my entryway - covered in mud, a million muddy boots, and more mud. Spring has arrived. 


Just a regular, grocery shopping with small children expression.

This week we've been busy with swimming lessons starting up again and my husband working lots of long hours. He's working through the weekend too, so I've basically resigned myself to some survival standards around here. I think we'll watch a lot of movies this weekend. And I've decided next week is going to be spring break around here! I like the idea of Holy Week being slower and focused on Holy Week, and we've just reached a point where a lot of curriculum is finished up and we're ready to switch things up, which will be fine after a break. I also figure if my husband's working a ton it's the perfect time for a break.


They've grown in two years. Weird.

Although Lent has felt like it's been happening forever, it seems like Easter has come upon us quickly. I'm not doing too much for original Easter baskets, it's the usual mix of a Easter book, garden tool or outside toy, and chocolate eggs. But all of our big kids need new bikes this year so I feel like we missed a good opportunity to give those as Easter gifts since only Gemma has a spring birthday. But we probably won't be able to get new bikes at the same time for everyone so it probably worked out for the best. I can't believe that I'm continually surprised at my kids needing newer and bigger things, but I always am. I can't believe the boys have grown out of the bikes they got two years ago...but TWO YEARS and kids grow like crazy! 


I didn't do 40 Bags in 40 Days this year, but I've tried to use Lent to intentionally clean and declutter my house. Mostly because I find cleaning and decluttering a good thing to offer up because I have no desire to do it most of the time. And I feel pretty good with what I've accomplished even though it's mostly normal cleaning for most people. I only have a couple big ticket items left on my list and one of them is my closet! It's been a while since I intentionally capsule-ed and paid attention to what I have in my closet, so it'll be good, if I get that done.


The Collector.

Do you have any kids who are "collectors"? Max is my little hoarder and will collect all kinds of things and stash them in all sorts of places. This week he found a hair clip that had been run over by a car at least once in the parking lot at the pool, gleefully picked it up, and said "For my collection!" It was gross and dirty, but I just didn't have the heart to take it away because he's so sweet and enthusiastic about it. He also found two random rocks while we were out for a walk yesterday, brought them home, washed them, and I think they're now in his under the bed storage container. I don't even want to know what's in that container. But I assume once it's completely full I'm going to have to go through it with him. A scary thought!


This week on the podcast we had the amazing Laura Fanucci sharing her inspiring story of the lives of her twin girls. It's heartbreaking, inspiring, and miraculous. I was overwhelmed hearing her speak and add nothing to the conversation, but I really encourage you to listen because I can't imagine you listening and not coming away inspired. 


I hope you all are looking forward to Holy Week. It's such a sacred time and there's really nothing like it. I'm so grateful for it each year. 

I'm off to cut strawberries into certain approved shapes so a certain four year old will eat this weekend is off to a roaring start!

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